Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bullet Points

Things that you might want to know...
  • Danika and Ebay came down to the Tri-Cities for Carl Chan's wedding. A great time was had by all even though the weekend didn't last long enough!
  • I've been seriously depressed about my job for the past month, I had a breakdown on Tuesday and left work because I couldn't stop crying, talked to my boss the next day and had my job description changed.  I'm trying to take it day by day now, knowing that Habitat is temporary. I might be there for another week or another year--as long as I need it to pay my loans off.
  • I went to a counselor to get help with my job predicament.  He put things into focus and told me to evaluate why I'm working at Habitat and make the job work for me. As long as it fulfills certain needs and wants in my life, it's worth the unpleasant moments.  If ever it stops fulfilling those needs, I'm free to leave and explore something else.
  • I'm applying for an MIT program put on through the community college in town. YAY! It will be 5 semesters straight of Friday and Saturday classes but eventually I will get to teach. Again, if the program isn't a fit or if I decide that I really don't want to teach, I'm unattached and willing to let it go.
  • After working through some of these tougher what-does-the-future-have-in-store-for-me questions, I realized that I still have a travel bug and being "stuck" in the Tri-Cities is a self-imposed problem. So, I'm looking for plane tickets to travel to Chile in December and thinking of going on a Eurotrip next July. Anybody interested?


  1. Linsday,
    I am sorry that things have been rough lately. The other day in church my pastor said "God never wastes a hurt." I think that's true...God is stretching you right now (and it does hurt), so that He can use you! You are a gift Lindsay!I can relate to the "where is my life going?" issues, I am currently having one of those days myself. They suck. Well, I can't wait to chat with you all about it when I see you in less than two weeks. Perhaps it will be one of those "on the side of a mountain, wind blowing, world changing conversations"...you never know!
    Love you girl. Can't wait to see you!

  2. Oh, by the way, I am seriously down for a Europe trip in 2012. Early July-middle of August is the time that I am setting aside. Danika showed serious interst too. It needs to happen, I want to see the world and it would be better with friends, of course!
