Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer decided to skip the Fourth of July celebrations in Seattle and opted for a fashionably late arrival on the sixth. I was more than a little miffed at having to endure a drizzly fireworks show, but over the past few days tank tops, country music, and surprise convertible rides (complements of the Haacks) have put all dreariness to rest. It’s incredible how summer days leave me reaching for rose-colored sunglasses and temporarily push all negativity out of sight. Too bad they don’t sweep away math homework as well.

Not much is new on this side of the state. Math proofs continue to be tedious, I’m missing friends and family like crazy, and I have a ton of free time on my hands. One new addition to my routine will be taking care of my friend Rylie’s Pomeranian--Apple. I don’t know how I’ve gotten myself into so many volunteer dogsitting positions this summer, but this case is particularly demanding.

Apple is not your average Pomeranian. She was rescued from a dumpster in New York City (I think) and has a plethora of health problems. She is about 14 years old, has 4 teeth, a bulbous hernia, a collapsing trachea, and diabetes. While other people might dismiss her as an especially unfortunate product of over-breeding, Rylie sees Apple as her guardian angel. Over the past few years, she has kept Rylie company in and out of countless surgeries and during a lonely move to Arizona. Rylie, in turn, is devoted to caring for the little creature and loving her as much as possible.

Perhaps due in part to my summer-induced euphoria, I find myself contemplating their relationship as a powerful example of respect for life. Personally, I’m quick to judge the worth of those around me based on physical or mental capacities. Perhaps the value of life has nothing to do with the world’s standards of productivity and success.

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