It is so good to be back at Whitworth.
I love the campus, and the professors, and my classmates, and dance aerobics classes, and the Corner House, and biking around with hipster undergrads...the list doesn't stop.
God is receving near constant Thank you's and Alleluia's from me. I'm reading Exodus right now and I can't help identifying with the deliverance theme. Okay okay, I'm being melodramatic and the Tri-Cities doesn't really compare with slavery. But, I can still be thankful.
The first week of MIT was exhausting and I was just trying to keep my head above water. I'm in a groove now and soaking up the 7 hours of lecture each day. At lunch, I played frisbee with a couple of guys from my classes and about 20 of us went to Taste of Thai tonight. Tomorrow we get to hear what Analisa's cohort has been researching during their time in the program.
Things with my parents are not so good. Prayers are welcome. I'm a bit worried about the way Cameron will deal with everything.
I'm planning on checking out Hoopfest this weekend and hanging out with one of my friends from high school in Cour d'Alene. Maybe I'll post some pictures next blog!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Va-vi-va-va... my dear friends Rylie and Borat would say. This post is going to be drastically different from the last. So much has happened in the course of two weeks. I have some things to praise about:
- My lower back (that I screwed up in November) is healing. I don't know what was wrong with it or how it is getting better, but I thank God that I have most of my range of motion back.
- I am done with my job at Habitat. Definitely a hard decision to make but I know it's the right one. I have learned a lot about myself and the type of work environment I need. I will never hold another desk job again, if I can help it. I want to be on my feet, moving around, among young people and hopefully near a window.
- The Whitworth MITprogram accepted me into the 2011 cohort! Also a crazy-fast life switch but I'm so excited. I'll be in school (my comfort zone), around Whitworth professors and staff, and working toward a fulfilling career.
- I have a place to live for the summer. I'll be back in the Corner House for June and July and then it looks like I'll be travelling around a bit in August.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Bullet Points
Things that you might want to know...
- Danika and Ebay came down to the Tri-Cities for Carl Chan's wedding. A great time was had by all even though the weekend didn't last long enough!
- I've been seriously depressed about my job for the past month, I had a breakdown on Tuesday and left work because I couldn't stop crying, talked to my boss the next day and had my job description changed. I'm trying to take it day by day now, knowing that Habitat is temporary. I might be there for another week or another year--as long as I need it to pay my loans off.
- I went to a counselor to get help with my job predicament. He put things into focus and told me to evaluate why I'm working at Habitat and make the job work for me. As long as it fulfills certain needs and wants in my life, it's worth the unpleasant moments. If ever it stops fulfilling those needs, I'm free to leave and explore something else.
- I'm applying for an MIT program put on through the community college in town. YAY! It will be 5 semesters straight of Friday and Saturday classes but eventually I will get to teach. Again, if the program isn't a fit or if I decide that I really don't want to teach, I'm unattached and willing to let it go.
- After working through some of these tougher what-does-the-future-have-in-store-for-me questions, I realized that I still have a travel bug and being "stuck" in the Tri-Cities is a self-imposed problem. So, I'm looking for plane tickets to travel to Chile in December and thinking of going on a Eurotrip next July. Anybody interested?
Monday, May 9, 2011
On Saturday at 2PM I left the Habitat Office after tearing down the biggest event that I have ever put on. The Walk Home 5K/1mi saga is over. Hallelujah!
I really did enjoy myself the day of the event but the stress was so oppressive leading up to it. I woke up at 4:45AM because my upper-back/chest pain decided to beat my alarm clock to the punch. I picked up coffee for the volunteers, directed the traffic cones and stage to their respective places, ran to retrieve tables, chairs, food, paper etc., made some announcements, counted money and talked to our sponsors. It was great to see E-bay and Analisa show up with a Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks and catch my breath--you girls know me so well!
After a failed attempt at a nap at home the girls drove me to Spokane where my family and I met up with Ali who just got back from Central America. We ate way too much restaurant food and spent a couple hours debriefing about the students' reentry into American culture. We spent 6 hours bonding as I picked dead lice eggs out of her hair on Sunday night. The little suckers (ha!) are a real pain in the bum but we got to talk and watch I30 Rock together. I'm excited to hear more about her adventures when she gets home on Thursday.
Josh Cleveland (RD) met up with me for coffee at Pleasant Blends in Spookaloo. We talked about vocation and fulfillment and God. He's so great. I really appreciated him listening and giving me feedback about my life situation.
I'm off to small group now. It's Italian night. Ciao!
I really did enjoy myself the day of the event but the stress was so oppressive leading up to it. I woke up at 4:45AM because my upper-back/chest pain decided to beat my alarm clock to the punch. I picked up coffee for the volunteers, directed the traffic cones and stage to their respective places, ran to retrieve tables, chairs, food, paper etc., made some announcements, counted money and talked to our sponsors. It was great to see E-bay and Analisa show up with a Cinnamon Dolce Latte from Starbucks and catch my breath--you girls know me so well!
After a failed attempt at a nap at home the girls drove me to Spokane where my family and I met up with Ali who just got back from Central America. We ate way too much restaurant food and spent a couple hours debriefing about the students' reentry into American culture. We spent 6 hours bonding as I picked dead lice eggs out of her hair on Sunday night. The little suckers (ha!) are a real pain in the bum but we got to talk and watch I30 Rock together. I'm excited to hear more about her adventures when she gets home on Thursday.
Josh Cleveland (RD) met up with me for coffee at Pleasant Blends in Spookaloo. We talked about vocation and fulfillment and God. He's so great. I really appreciated him listening and giving me feedback about my life situation.
I'm off to small group now. It's Italian night. Ciao!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Maybe today!
Good morning Monday. It's good to see you again. I was toying with the thought ofgoing in to work today but you, my weekend, are too relaxing to leave. I'll leave Tuesday through Saturday for the phone calls and planning. Today is meant for recovery and preparation.
Saturday is the culmination of a project I've been working on since December--The Walk Home 5K/1mi for Habitat. There is so much that has come together to make it possible and I am going to need to cling close to God this week to avoid the stress and anxiety that could precede the big event. Analisa is coming into Kennewick to run the 5K and spend some time with me and I'm so excited to see her. Ande was right in her message to us this past week--the Corner House girls are an island of joy and peace among the sea of stress and unknowns. I love you girls so much.

I'm reading The Shack by William P. Young and it's an answered prayer. I have been struggling with stress and overcommitment and it paints a beautiful picture of what truly counts--a relationship with God. The book tells the story of a desperate man who goes out into the woods to spend the weekend with the Trinity. In the last chapter I read, the Holy Spirit (in the form of an asian woman who loves to garden), explains that humanity's determination to define good and evil and our lust for control has lead us away from the relationship for which we were created.
I see this happen over and over again in my own life: I feel lost and frantic so I make rules and try to keep everything under control. I overcrowd my life with activities that I "should" do, things that I decide are part of God's will for me. I end up overcome by anxiety, carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. My body physically screams at me to let go of the burden and still I don't trust God to take over.
I came across a Bible verse this morning and it goes along with what God keeps revealing:
1 Corinthians 15: 24, 26 "Then the end will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power...The last enemy to be destroyed is death."
Once again I need Jesus to destroy the dominion, authority, and power that I try to wield. Again I hand my life over for God's kingdom. There is no doubt in my mind that I will lose focus and return to this place of desperation. What hope we have in the promise to be part of a perfect kingdom someday. Maybe today :)
Saturday is the culmination of a project I've been working on since December--The Walk Home 5K/1mi for Habitat. There is so much that has come together to make it possible and I am going to need to cling close to God this week to avoid the stress and anxiety that could precede the big event. Analisa is coming into Kennewick to run the 5K and spend some time with me and I'm so excited to see her. Ande was right in her message to us this past week--the Corner House girls are an island of joy and peace among the sea of stress and unknowns. I love you girls so much.

I'm reading The Shack by William P. Young and it's an answered prayer. I have been struggling with stress and overcommitment and it paints a beautiful picture of what truly counts--a relationship with God. The book tells the story of a desperate man who goes out into the woods to spend the weekend with the Trinity. In the last chapter I read, the Holy Spirit (in the form of an asian woman who loves to garden), explains that humanity's determination to define good and evil and our lust for control has lead us away from the relationship for which we were created.
I see this happen over and over again in my own life: I feel lost and frantic so I make rules and try to keep everything under control. I overcrowd my life with activities that I "should" do, things that I decide are part of God's will for me. I end up overcome by anxiety, carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. My body physically screams at me to let go of the burden and still I don't trust God to take over.
I came across a Bible verse this morning and it goes along with what God keeps revealing:
1 Corinthians 15: 24, 26 "Then the end will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority, and power...The last enemy to be destroyed is death."
Once again I need Jesus to destroy the dominion, authority, and power that I try to wield. Again I hand my life over for God's kingdom. There is no doubt in my mind that I will lose focus and return to this place of desperation. What hope we have in the promise to be part of a perfect kingdom someday. Maybe today :)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Psalm 6
I have been away from the blogging world for about a month I'm guessing. Finally, on my Monday morning off, I feel like I have some time to check up on my friends and post an update as well.
The truth is that I haven't made time in the past month to do anything unplanned or truly relaxing. Even my downtime has been plagued by an intrinsic motivation to be productive. Enjoyable activities like playing guitar have become pressured practice. Coffee dates are dreaded appointments and girls night is more of a commitment than a time to chill.
I've also been really crippled by the pain in my lower back since November. As a lot of you know, I've struggled with pain in my chest and upper back and that came back as well last week. Past experience has led me to believe that most of this pain is a result of emotional, mental and physical stress. So last weekend I had to reevaluate my perpetual productivity and ask myself for the millionth time why I keep coming back to this pit of stress and anxiety.
Before I could fully process the twisted inner workings of my mind I started to cut the stressors out. Last Monday I went into the ESL class where I tutor and said that I wouldn't be coming back for a while. After that, I went to my old high school and told Mr. Simpson that I wouldn't be taking guitar lessons for the next three weeks. On Wednesday I told our local sports bar manager that I would no longer be available to organize trivia nights. I cancelled my ridiculously expensive physical therapy sessions and skipped out on girls night. I let my friends, family and coworkers know how stressed out I was and I prayed a lot.
Please pray for me if you read this. I believe Christ has the power to take all of this physical and emotional pain away and I hope that it will end soon. If you're reading this, you're probably one of my closest friends so if you see me becoming too involved and obsessed with productivity, please remind me what happens when I get too far down that path. Ok time to read what's happening in YOUR lives.
The truth is that I haven't made time in the past month to do anything unplanned or truly relaxing. Even my downtime has been plagued by an intrinsic motivation to be productive. Enjoyable activities like playing guitar have become pressured practice. Coffee dates are dreaded appointments and girls night is more of a commitment than a time to chill.
I've also been really crippled by the pain in my lower back since November. As a lot of you know, I've struggled with pain in my chest and upper back and that came back as well last week. Past experience has led me to believe that most of this pain is a result of emotional, mental and physical stress. So last weekend I had to reevaluate my perpetual productivity and ask myself for the millionth time why I keep coming back to this pit of stress and anxiety.
Before I could fully process the twisted inner workings of my mind I started to cut the stressors out. Last Monday I went into the ESL class where I tutor and said that I wouldn't be coming back for a while. After that, I went to my old high school and told Mr. Simpson that I wouldn't be taking guitar lessons for the next three weeks. On Wednesday I told our local sports bar manager that I would no longer be available to organize trivia nights. I cancelled my ridiculously expensive physical therapy sessions and skipped out on girls night. I let my friends, family and coworkers know how stressed out I was and I prayed a lot.
Please pray for me if you read this. I believe Christ has the power to take all of this physical and emotional pain away and I hope that it will end soon. If you're reading this, you're probably one of my closest friends so if you see me becoming too involved and obsessed with productivity, please remind me what happens when I get too far down that path. Ok time to read what's happening in YOUR lives.
Monday, March 28, 2011
HFHI Conference
I returned to the Pasco airport at 11:05 on Friday night. I was exhausted from three days of information overload, late nights talking with my boss and coworkers, and the three hour time difference. I had to pull myself our of bed 7 hours later to visit the various groups volunteering with us on Saturday and spend the afternoon at the United Methodist Women luncheon as the guest speaker.
After my spiel at the luncheon, the hostess took the microphone, said thank you and added "The passion in your voice makes it so plain to see that you are in the right job." We can thank the conference for that.
About a week ago I was telling my mom that passion was precisely what I was not finding at Habitat. I was going through the motions and daily having to remind myself that my work was important. After spending the week with 2000 other Habitat employees and hearing testimonies of the change that we are making in so many people's lives, I felt empowered and truly excited to get back to my day job.
What really grabbed me by the hair and got my attention was the everpresent reminders of the faith-based mission on which Habitat for Humanity is based. Every speaker gave glory to God and every day started with prayer to remind us of what had brought us to Habitat in the first place. Habitat is now the largest private homebuilder in the U.S. but when you try to give kudos to the C.E.O., he'll be the first to send that credit straight toward Heaven. I am completely humbled and so grateful to have found purpose in my work. I know that I'll have my lows again someday but for the time-being I'm rejoicing in the high!
After my spiel at the luncheon, the hostess took the microphone, said thank you and added "The passion in your voice makes it so plain to see that you are in the right job." We can thank the conference for that.
About a week ago I was telling my mom that passion was precisely what I was not finding at Habitat. I was going through the motions and daily having to remind myself that my work was important. After spending the week with 2000 other Habitat employees and hearing testimonies of the change that we are making in so many people's lives, I felt empowered and truly excited to get back to my day job.
What really grabbed me by the hair and got my attention was the everpresent reminders of the faith-based mission on which Habitat for Humanity is based. Every speaker gave glory to God and every day started with prayer to remind us of what had brought us to Habitat in the first place. Habitat is now the largest private homebuilder in the U.S. but when you try to give kudos to the C.E.O., he'll be the first to send that credit straight toward Heaven. I am completely humbled and so grateful to have found purpose in my work. I know that I'll have my lows again someday but for the time-being I'm rejoicing in the high!
Monday, March 21, 2011
I forgot to mention...
...that I'm going to Atlanta for the Habitat for Humanity International Conference! My plane leaves the Pasco airport at 6AM on Tuesday and I get back into town at 11PM on Friday. Then Saturday I will be busy working and visiting Sharefest groups (do you know what Sharefest is?)
I'm excited to go to Georgia since I've never been down South. I'll take lots of pictures to share with you all and I'll give a recap next Sunday to detail the adventure. Ugh...I'm tired just thinking about it all. I hope I can stay healthy!
I'm excited to go to Georgia since I've never been down South. I'll take lots of pictures to share with you all and I'll give a recap next Sunday to detail the adventure. Ugh...I'm tired just thinking about it all. I hope I can stay healthy!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Lent--Everyone's favorite season
Well maybe not everybody gets all hot and bothered about sacrifice and self improvement but I absolutely love the challenge. As Ash Wednesday approached last week I was brainstorming things that I could give up, devising ways to get closer to God, and asking my family what they were doing to celebrate the season. Then I realized that I was probably approaching Lent with the wrong attitude. When your plans to get spiritually in tune via Reese's abstinence coincide with daydreams of looking awesome in a bikini, you have to question your motives.
So I decided to scrap my anti-chocolate sentiment in exchange for morning quiet time. I've been sick since Thursday so that time has grown exponentially over the past week. A killer sore throat kept me away from work for two and a half days so I've been reading my Isabel Allende book, watching Modern Family, and hanging out with the family.
I went to Crossview (the church started by a Whitworth grad) again on Saturday. I still don't feel a real desire to set roots there. Does that mean that I need to put more effort in and get involved or do I keep looking for something that clicks right away? All I know is that I need to find a group of people that share the same values as me. Otherwise I'll end up spending too much time with the promiscous engineeers at the sports bar without any other social anchor...a recipe for bad news.
So I decided to scrap my anti-chocolate sentiment in exchange for morning quiet time. I've been sick since Thursday so that time has grown exponentially over the past week. A killer sore throat kept me away from work for two and a half days so I've been reading my Isabel Allende book, watching Modern Family, and hanging out with the family.
I went to Crossview (the church started by a Whitworth grad) again on Saturday. I still don't feel a real desire to set roots there. Does that mean that I need to put more effort in and get involved or do I keep looking for something that clicks right away? All I know is that I need to find a group of people that share the same values as me. Otherwise I'll end up spending too much time with the promiscous engineeers at the sports bar without any other social anchor...a recipe for bad news.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Here's to Friends!
Ever since I got done with Almost Maine my social life has exploded. I'm getting together with three girls from high school (Dana, Shiv and Holly) on a weekly basis, making trips to see friends in Spokane, Portland and Seattle (that trip is coming in April), hanging out with coworkers after work (we're making pesto tonight), and meeting new friends in the T.C. Last week I went to trivia night at a bar in Richland and met four guys that were about my age--all of them smart, funny, nice, pretty cute. Where have they been hiding for the past six months?! I'm very happy these days and soaking up the good vibes that the people in my social circle emanate.
Right now I'm in Portland and it's 8:30 AM on a Monday. I came to see my longtime friend Sean and he doesn't do mornings. So I'm taking the opportunity to catch up a bit on the ol' blog, practice guitar, organize my iTunes, maybe walk to Starbucks...I'll head back to the Tri after Sean goes to work and perhaps hike Multnomah Falls on the way. I feel a little sluggish after Saturday night's boozy karaoke escapade, a visit to Voodoo Doughnuts (GET THE MAPLE BACON DOUGHNUT!), and a weekend of eating meals in a house void of vegetables. It was nice to catch up with Sean though and I wish I could stay here a bit longer.
I'm looking forward to Lent starting on Wednesday. I don't know what I'm going to do. There are so many aspects of my life in which I could impose a little discipline, so many better uses of my time and money. I need to pick one of them this month and work through sacrifice a bit. Do any of you have plans for Lent?
Right now I'm in Portland and it's 8:30 AM on a Monday. I came to see my longtime friend Sean and he doesn't do mornings. So I'm taking the opportunity to catch up a bit on the ol' blog, practice guitar, organize my iTunes, maybe walk to Starbucks...I'll head back to the Tri after Sean goes to work and perhaps hike Multnomah Falls on the way. I feel a little sluggish after Saturday night's boozy karaoke escapade, a visit to Voodoo Doughnuts (GET THE MAPLE BACON DOUGHNUT!), and a weekend of eating meals in a house void of vegetables. It was nice to catch up with Sean though and I wish I could stay here a bit longer.
I'm looking forward to Lent starting on Wednesday. I don't know what I'm going to do. There are so many aspects of my life in which I could impose a little discipline, so many better uses of my time and money. I need to pick one of them this month and work through sacrifice a bit. Do any of you have plans for Lent?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Thanks A Lot (that's a Raffi Song)
Oh the blogs are getting scarcer and scarcer.
Here is my list of things to be thankful for:
1. Whitworth: I'm constantly reminded of the excellent education I received during my four years in college. I got to spend my freshman year in the Best Place on Earth, my sophomore year with the greatest leadership team of all time, my junior year preparing for and experiencing Chile, and my final year with the 7 most wonderful young women I know.
2. Spring: I've never been a fan of this season until last weekend. The sun came out and the highs were in the 60s. I went running by the river, hiked up Badger Mountain, and played "Here Comes the Sun" on my back porch.
3. Friends: The past three weeks have brought more social interaction into my world than I can believe. A visit from 5 of the Corner House girls in Kennewick, spending Thursday nights watching 30 Rock with my girlfriends from high school (Shivyon, Holly, and Dana), and a trip to Spokane to look forward to this coming weekend.
4. God: I thought about rearranging this and putting God first but that's just not how I did it originally. Sorry. I've had a lot of God-you-are-so-awesome-can-you-just-rapture-us-already? moments lately. I'm so thankful to be spiritually fulfilled right now and aware of His presence and I'm so excited for the day when I feel like this forever!
5. Time: Oh how sweet these moments are! Hours and hours to spend without an impending rehearsal. Friday and Saturday nights to watch movies with my family. This season in my life is so carefree. I'm young and unanchored and free to create and work and play. Hallelujah!
Here is my list of things to be thankful for:
1. Whitworth: I'm constantly reminded of the excellent education I received during my four years in college. I got to spend my freshman year in the Best Place on Earth, my sophomore year with the greatest leadership team of all time, my junior year preparing for and experiencing Chile, and my final year with the 7 most wonderful young women I know.
2. Spring: I've never been a fan of this season until last weekend. The sun came out and the highs were in the 60s. I went running by the river, hiked up Badger Mountain, and played "Here Comes the Sun" on my back porch.
3. Friends: The past three weeks have brought more social interaction into my world than I can believe. A visit from 5 of the Corner House girls in Kennewick, spending Thursday nights watching 30 Rock with my girlfriends from high school (Shivyon, Holly, and Dana), and a trip to Spokane to look forward to this coming weekend.
4. God: I thought about rearranging this and putting God first but that's just not how I did it originally. Sorry. I've had a lot of God-you-are-so-awesome-can-you-just-rapture-us-already? moments lately. I'm so thankful to be spiritually fulfilled right now and aware of His presence and I'm so excited for the day when I feel like this forever!
5. Time: Oh how sweet these moments are! Hours and hours to spend without an impending rehearsal. Friday and Saturday nights to watch movies with my family. This season in my life is so carefree. I'm young and unanchored and free to create and work and play. Hallelujah!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
On Stage
At 6 o'clock on Friday I headed up the narrow staircase of the Richland Players Theater toward the old green room. It was the opening night of Almost Maine and all of the cast was milling about mumbling lines under their breath and getting out their makeup cases. We had two hours before the show started and everybody was on edge. After two months of memorizing lines, stage decorating, and rehearsals in the ancient theater, we were as ready as we'd ever be.
We put on makeup, did hair, and made sure our costumes were laid out for changes between scenes as we listened to the audio feed from the theater. As the clock approached 8, the crowd got louder and louder and the whole crew gathered in the green room for one last "Hurrah!" before the show.
I crept down the old rickety stairs that led down to the stage before my first scene. Two other actors and I sat in darkness backstage listening to our friends deliver lines that we all knew by heart. As I sat behind the curtain, listening to the crowd laugh and sigh, I thanked God for the excitement I felt. I prayed that I wouldn't blank out on stage but conceded that if I did, life would go on and the world wouldn't end.
As it turned out, we had a hell of a show. There weren't any huge mishaps to speak of, and nobody drowned in that foreboding pool of stagefright. My two scenes were in the first Act, and so I got to relax until the final bow. After the show, the cast, crew and directors went out for drinks and appetizers at Applebees. We smeared our lipstick on glasses of beer and shared deep fried everything in celebration of a fabulous opening night.
We put on makeup, did hair, and made sure our costumes were laid out for changes between scenes as we listened to the audio feed from the theater. As the clock approached 8, the crowd got louder and louder and the whole crew gathered in the green room for one last "Hurrah!" before the show.
I crept down the old rickety stairs that led down to the stage before my first scene. Two other actors and I sat in darkness backstage listening to our friends deliver lines that we all knew by heart. As I sat behind the curtain, listening to the crowd laugh and sigh, I thanked God for the excitement I felt. I prayed that I wouldn't blank out on stage but conceded that if I did, life would go on and the world wouldn't end.
As it turned out, we had a hell of a show. There weren't any huge mishaps to speak of, and nobody drowned in that foreboding pool of stagefright. My two scenes were in the first Act, and so I got to relax until the final bow. After the show, the cast, crew and directors went out for drinks and appetizers at Applebees. We smeared our lipstick on glasses of beer and shared deep fried everything in celebration of a fabulous opening night.
Putting on make up. |
Sexy sexy...before make up and costume. |
All done up as Villian the waitress. |
Monday, January 10, 2011
Someone's got a case of the Mondays
Okay, so I started this post Monday morning and finished after my guitar lesson in the afternoon. Please observe how fickle my outlook on life can be!
Monday morning:
Ugh...what a day. I don't know what my deal is but every fiber or my being is anti-today. It's my day off and I should be relaxing and enjoying the free time but I get anxious almost every Monday. I worry about my guitar lesson and not being prepared, I dread going to rehearsal at 5:30, and even the little things that should be enjoyable--like going to lunch with my cousins--seem like chores. The good news is that even though my Monday mornings usually start off funkified, after the guitar lesson the day looks a little brighter.
I'm thinking of tutoring in the ESL classroom starting next week. Somebody keep me accountable for that okay? Just ask how it went, cause I'm sure if I just get out of the house in the morning things will look up.
Monday afternoon (Reflection on Saturday):
On Saturday, Shivyon and I decided to be spontaneous and drive to Walla Walla after work for some wine tasting. The drive was beautiful and we arrived in the cute little downtown district around 4:30. Sadly, most of the tasting rooms closed right about that time and reopened for music at 8. After about half an hour of walking around we finally found a little tasting room that was open. The "Sleight of Hand" wine was abysmal but the girl with dreads (dreds?) serving us was nice and said we didn't need to pay the usual $5 tasting fee. We walked to the Millhouse Brewery for a well balanced meal of spiced wine, buttered rum, and pot stickers. We finished dinner and were ready for some good music but when we looked at the clock it wasn't even 6.
After that we headed to a beautiful cafe/restaurant/wine bar called Olive and got huge glasses of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. We setttled down in comfy leather chairs and chatted for over an hour as we waited for the band to start at Sapolil. Pleasantly tipsy, we paid the $3 cover charge and sang along with the 3 man band as middle-aged couples awkwardly danced and made me happy that older people could still hold on to that can't-take-my-eyes-off-of-you romance.
I sobered up and we drove home to the T.C. I was exhausted from the week and wine but glad to have done something out of hum-drum Kennewick routine. Next trip planned: Spokane!
Monday morning:
Ugh...what a day. I don't know what my deal is but every fiber or my being is anti-today. It's my day off and I should be relaxing and enjoying the free time but I get anxious almost every Monday. I worry about my guitar lesson and not being prepared, I dread going to rehearsal at 5:30, and even the little things that should be enjoyable--like going to lunch with my cousins--seem like chores. The good news is that even though my Monday mornings usually start off funkified, after the guitar lesson the day looks a little brighter.
I'm thinking of tutoring in the ESL classroom starting next week. Somebody keep me accountable for that okay? Just ask how it went, cause I'm sure if I just get out of the house in the morning things will look up.
Monday afternoon (Reflection on Saturday):
On Saturday, Shivyon and I decided to be spontaneous and drive to Walla Walla after work for some wine tasting. The drive was beautiful and we arrived in the cute little downtown district around 4:30. Sadly, most of the tasting rooms closed right about that time and reopened for music at 8. After about half an hour of walking around we finally found a little tasting room that was open. The "Sleight of Hand" wine was abysmal but the girl with dreads (dreds?) serving us was nice and said we didn't need to pay the usual $5 tasting fee. We walked to the Millhouse Brewery for a well balanced meal of spiced wine, buttered rum, and pot stickers. We finished dinner and were ready for some good music but when we looked at the clock it wasn't even 6.
Me and my spiced wine at the Millhouse Brewery. |
After that we headed to a beautiful cafe/restaurant/wine bar called Olive and got huge glasses of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. We setttled down in comfy leather chairs and chatted for over an hour as we waited for the band to start at Sapolil. Pleasantly tipsy, we paid the $3 cover charge and sang along with the 3 man band as middle-aged couples awkwardly danced and made me happy that older people could still hold on to that can't-take-my-eyes-off-of-you romance.
I sobered up and we drove home to the T.C. I was exhausted from the week and wine but glad to have done something out of hum-drum Kennewick routine. Next trip planned: Spokane!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Hello 2011
Hooray for a new year! I always get excited about new beginnings but I shyed (shied?) away from making huge New Year's resolutions. As I told most of the Corner House during Sunday's conference call, I'm trying to do little things more regularly--wearing my retainers, putting my shoes away, making my bed in the morning etc. I should put up reminders to keep that up because it's really not hard and doesn't take a ton of time. It's just getting in the habit I guess.
I have good news about my heart! I think that I might be over Oscar (knock on wood). It took long enough, geez. Some of you know that over the past few weeks I've been desperately lonely--missing my Whitworth community and wanting a guy as well. In my miserableness, almost any guy that crossed my path became a possibility. Sure, boy craziness is not the most positive place to be but I realized that I'm not reverting to Oscar. I'm looking for someone new and that makes me so happy even if I have to be a little lonely until I find him.
My sister and I went to Crossview (the church whose pastor is a Whitworth grad) on Saturday and Pastor Josh came up to us afterward and introduced us to a whole slew of people. He invited me to his small group on Wednesday so I might check it out. It would be so nice to have a quality group of people to spend time with. However, the play is going to take over my life here pretty soon. Next week we'll have rehearsal every night in costume! I'll be glad when it's over. I have to keep reminding myself that I CHOSE to be part of this. I like it when I'm reahearsing, it's just so far away and inconvenient. Ok well enough about me. On to reading your blogs. Love.
I have good news about my heart! I think that I might be over Oscar (knock on wood). It took long enough, geez. Some of you know that over the past few weeks I've been desperately lonely--missing my Whitworth community and wanting a guy as well. In my miserableness, almost any guy that crossed my path became a possibility. Sure, boy craziness is not the most positive place to be but I realized that I'm not reverting to Oscar. I'm looking for someone new and that makes me so happy even if I have to be a little lonely until I find him.
My sister and I went to Crossview (the church whose pastor is a Whitworth grad) on Saturday and Pastor Josh came up to us afterward and introduced us to a whole slew of people. He invited me to his small group on Wednesday so I might check it out. It would be so nice to have a quality group of people to spend time with. However, the play is going to take over my life here pretty soon. Next week we'll have rehearsal every night in costume! I'll be glad when it's over. I have to keep reminding myself that I CHOSE to be part of this. I like it when I'm reahearsing, it's just so far away and inconvenient. Ok well enough about me. On to reading your blogs. Love.
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